Enjoy the excitement of large sized model trains, entertainment, interactive activities, train rides, vendors, and more at RAILFEST, April 29 – 30, 2023, at the Galveston Railroad Museum, 123 Rosenberg Avenue, 10 am – 5 pm.
Don’t miss the excitement of the annual model train rally where collectors and enthusiasts show their model train sets. Larger than you can imagine these spectacular displays come with all the bells and whistles.
Model trains weaving in and out of the train depot, and continuing onto the Garden of Steam are met with delight and excitement by kids of all ages. Enamored by the rail cars going round and round this event provides hours of entertainment and fun.
The hobby of building and running model train sets continues to evoke sentimental feeling and emotions. As train buffs have matured, train sets have grown in size and adults passionate about model trains will be featured at the Galveston Railroad Museum’s RailFest, April 29 – 30.
This is the biggest model train show ever. A two- day event, RailFest features train clubs and individuals from across the state who set up and run their spectacular large size train sets in the depot at the Galveston Railroad Museum.
In addition to the model trains, visitors will enjoy entertainment, food court, interactive activities, Depot Marketplace vendors, and exhibits located in the museum and rail cars. Train rides on the Harborside Express will run throughout each day of RailFest.
It’s fun time at the Galveston Railroad Museum. Immerse yourself in the golden age of railroad.
Event Admission: Adults $20, Students 16 yrs & Under $15, 4 & Under Free. Strollers welcome. Harborside Express Train Rides $8 per person. Complimentary Parking.