Museum Hours: 10AM to 5PM. Open Daily. ~ Call: 409-765-5700

Sara Hickman performing at RailFest

Enjoy the excitement of large sized model trains at RAILFEST, April 23 – 24, 2022, at the Galveston Railroad Museum, 123 Rosenberg Avenue, 10 am – 4 pm.

The tradition of toy train sets under the Christmas tree goes back at least 100 years – back around the time when Lionel began to produce the first electric toy trains.

Small train tracks weaving in and out of the Christmas tree was met with delight and excitement by children who were more familiar with the clickety clack of trains than automobiles. Old fashioned rail cars went round and round and it was a gift that could be added to year-round providing hours of entertainment.

The hobby of building and running model train sets continues to evoke sentimental feeling and emotions. As train buffs have matured, train sets have grown in size and adults passionate about model trains will be featured at the Galveston Railroad Museum’s RailFest, April 23 – 24.

Enthusiasts of all ages will experience the thrill of the tracks at the biggest model train show ever. Sounds, sights and fun will be abundant at the two- day event where  train organizations and individuals from across the state will mount and run their spectacular large size train sets in the depot at the Galveston Railroad Museum.

In addition to the model trains, visitors are encouraged to view the exhibits located in the museum and rail cars, enjoy the many vendors located in the Garden of Steam, and live entertainment featuring singer, songwriter Sara Hickman. Interactive experiences will include train rides on the rail yard caboose that leaves the station every 20 minutes.

From Thomas the Tank Engine to the Hogwarts Express of the Harry Potter books to the Galveston Railroad Museum’s holiday Polar Express Experience, trains have made a comeback in the public’s imagination.

Round and round the tracks with whistles blowing, the model trains will offer  two full days of fun. Immerse yourself in the golden age of railroad.

The Galveston Railroad Museum is dedicated to the restoration, observation, and re-use of its historic facilities and equipment for the development of educational and interactive programs, which support railroading and transportation initiatives serving our regional community. A non-profit educational organization, the museum is supported by membership, contributions, admission, and special events.

RailFest admission Saturday and Sunday is Members $10, Adults $15, Seniors $12, Kids 4 – 12, $10. Kids 4 & Under Free. Parking adjacent to the museum, 2602 Santa Fe Place,  is complimentary. Galveston Railroad Museum members enjoy free museum access year ‘round, newsletter, gift shop and special event discounts and advance ticket purchase for The Polar Express. Join today to access benefits.

The Galveston Railroad Museum, 123 Rosenberg Avenue, is open daily 10 am – 4 pm. (409) 765-5700.


April 23 – 24, 2022 





April 23 & 24, 2022

Saturday & Sunday

10 am – 5 pm


Galveston Railroad Museum

123 Rosenberg Avenue

Galveston, TX 77550


Large Model Train hobbyists will show and run their exceptional train sets each day. An experience for all ages. Sounds, lights, and action will entertain all ages.


Members $10

Adults $15

Seniors $12

Students 12 – 4 yrs. $10

4 & Under Free

Parking Complimentary – 2602 Santa Fe Place



M.J. Naschke (409) 762-3930


HIGHLIGHTS: Large ornate model train sets will fill the train depot and run all day. Train  rides  leave the train station every 20 minutes. Exhibits, interactive activities, rail car tours,

5 -acre railyard. Live entertainment, vendors, food court.